Too Many Moving Traffic Tickets in Washington Result in Automatic Driver License Suspensions (Click Here)

Everett, WA DUI Lawyers
Since 2023, the Washington Department of Licensing automatically suspends WA driver licenses for sixty (60) days if a driver commits three (3) separate moving violations within a 12 month period or four (4) separate moving violations within a 24 month period.
A one (1) year probation period follows the 60 day license suspension period. During this one (1) year probation period, any new moving violations will result in a new 30 day license suspension.
Consequently, WA drivers should now contest all moving traffic tickets. Besides large car insurance rate $ increases, multiple moving tickets may also result in license suspensions.

Lynnwood Traffic Ticket Lawyer Paul Hanson
Call Lynnwood traffic ticket lawyer Paul Hanson for more information. Call 425-778-7339