New Laws in Washington State

Along with the many new alcohol laws that went into effect on Sunday, July 28th, 2013, several other laws went into effect as well.

House Bill 1341 – Wrongful Convictions  – This new law will allow people who were wrongfully convicted of a crime in Washington State to file a claim for damages against the state. You would have to show that the wrongful conviction was overturned based on significant evidence of innocence.

A wrongfully convicted person would receive $50,000 for each year of imprisonment, including any time spent awaiting trial, plus an additional $50,000 for each year on death row. A wrongfully convicted person would receive $25,000 for each year on parole, community custody or as a registered sex offender.

The state will also pay all child support owed while the claimant was in custody, and will reimburse all court and attorney fees up to $75,000.

In-state college tuition waivers will be provided for the person who was wrongfully convicted, as well as their children and/or step-children. 

House Bill 1612 – Firearm Registry – The Washington State Patrol will begin maintaining a database of felony firearm offenders. This will help law enforcement officials to keep track of who these felony firearm offenders are. A judge can decide whether the offender must register with their county’s Sheriff Office as part of this program. This information will not be available to the public.

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