Lynnwood, WA: Criminal Defense Lawyer: Immigration Consequences in Criminal Cases – Click Here

Criminal charges for non citizens make their case defenses harder and more complicated. Even misdemeanor arrests & convictions can sometimes result in denial of Visa renewal, denial of admission to the US, and even deportation in some instances. Consequently, it is very important for defense lawyers to always ensure their non citizen clients get legal advice from immigration lawyers before pleading guilty to any charges. Such immigration law advice is essential.

An example? While a charge reduction from DUI to Reckless Driving is usually a favorable case settlement for WA citizens, it can actually be a worse outcome for non citizens. And federal immigration law and policies are constantly changing. So every non citizen defendant facing a criminal charge needs to confer with an immigration lawyer in every case. A good criminal defense lawyer will always make sure of that.

Lynnwood, WA Criminal Defense Lawyers

Lynnwood, WA Criminal Defense Lawyers

Call Lynnwood criminal defense lawyer Paul Hanson for additional information.