Lynnwood Criminal Defense Lawyers

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Lynnwood, WA Criminal Defense Lawyers
Lynnwood, WA Criminal Defense Lawyers

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Lynnwood Criminal Defense Lawyer

Paul Hanson has over 40+ years experience in defending misdemeanor and felony criminal charges throughout Lynnwood and Washington State. He practices in all the district and municipal courts in Snohomish County And he assists individuals get old criminal convictions and arrests expunged from their records.

Paul Hanson has been given the greatest possible rankings from several national lawyer rating services. An "AV" score coming from Martindale-Hubbell and a "10-Superb" rating from He is also a past Lynnwood, WA City Prosecutor. Lynnwood Criminal Defense Lawyer Hanson is extremely knowledgeable, aggressive, cost effective, and ideally situated near Lynnwood.



A criminal record happens whenever a person is founded guilty of a crime by a court. The criminal conviction will typically constantly stay on the individual's state criminal record until a legal movement (request) to vacate conviction is brought under RCW 9.96.060 prior to the same court after a specific period. For the majority of criminal misdemeanor & gross misdemeanor convictions, the time duration is typically 3 to 5 years after court probation ends and after all monetary responsibilities owed to the court have actually been fully pleased. And there must not be any brand-new criminal convictions/ charges/ arrests because the conviction sought to be vacated. If all these prerequisites are met, the majority of community & district courts will typically approve motions to vacate a criminal conviction. That results in the individual no longer having a rap sheet for that specific conviction.

A person whose criminal conviction is vacated may legally mention on future job applications that he/she has never had a rap sheet.

Under RCW 9.96.060, a person is limited to only one vacation of a misdemeanor criminal conviction. Convictions for DUIs and specific misdemeanor sex criminal activities can not be vacated.

Nonconviction data (cops arrest records, jail booking records, fingerprints/ photos (mugshots) records, etc) occur whenever a person is arrested/jailed however no criminal charges are ever filed in court. Such nonconviction data are held by Washington State police for many years. Regional apprehending cops companies & the Washington State Patrol Criminal History Section in Olympia, WA both maintain nonconviction data.

Under RCW 10.97.060 and WAC 446-16-025, persons may make written demands to expunge/delete such cops nonconviction data. These demands must be made to both the regional apprehending cops firm and to the Washington State Patrol Criminal History Section in Olympia, WA. Such demands will typically be granted if there have actually been no charges within 2 years of the nonconviction data sought to be erased, and over 3 years have actually passed because the date of the old arrest 

The site for the Washington State Criminal History Section is

Nonconviction data, like criminal conviction records, can likewise be used by property managers to reject rental real estate/ homes and by companies to reject job applications, job promos, and so on. Safeguard your job and future. Call Lynnwood criminal record expungement legal representative attorney Paul Hanson to help you clear your old court criminal record and old cops criminal history. He'll help vacate you vacate old court criminal convictions and expunge/delete old cops criminal history, arrest records, fingerprints, photos and other nonconviction data.




The site for the Washington State Criminal History Section is

Nonconviction data, like criminal conviction records, can likewise be used by property managers to reject rental real estate/ homes and by companies to reject job applications, job promos, and so on. Safeguard your job and future. Call Lynnwood criminal record expungement legal representative attorney Paul Hanson to help you clear your old court criminal record and old cops criminal history. He'll help vacate you vacate old court criminal convictions and expunge/delete old cops criminal history, arrest records, fingerprints, photos and other nonconviction data.

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