White, WA DUI Lawyer
Alderwood Business Center - Bldg 3500
3400 188th St SW, Suite 565
Lynnwood, WA 98037
(Beside The Alderwood Shopping Mall)
Contact White, WA DUI Lawyer: 425-778-7339
Email Message: attypaulhanson@aol.com

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DUI Lawyers in White, WA
Imprisoned? Charged In White, WA or King County-- Not Your Fault? Driver License Suspended

He is a former Lynnwood, WA City Prosecutor. He is very experienced, skilled and aggressive lawyer. And affordable. Get the best DUI defense. Get the lawyer you need. Call White, WA DUI Lawyer Paul Hanson for your Free First Consultation.

DUI Lawyers in White, WA. Military Discounts
Special White, WA DUI Case Relevant Information
DUI is certainly a severe offense in King County as well as Washington State, the state with the hardest DUI laws in the nation. Right here in White and King County DUI is a gross misdemeanor criminal offense which in turn holds harsh penalties if convicted.
White, WA DUI Lawyer Paul Hanson looks into everything, starting with inaccurate blood and breath alcohol evaluations, to the arrest location's road conditions, traffic patterns, weather, environmental conditions, and your individual medical disorders which in turn could affect your tests.
Considering that White, WA law enforcement errors are able to result in inappropriate traffic stops and inaccurate DUI breath or blood alcohol test results, he will completely evaluate all of the case evidence in order to discover truths and evidence which can serve to help your defense and prevent a DUI unfavorable verdict.
White, WA DUI Lawyer
Being charged along with or sentenced of a White, WA DUI can easily carry significant repercussions for you and your family:
Mandatory electronic home monitoring (EHM)
Restriction related to driving privileges
Insurance coverage-- elevated auto costs
Liquor or drug recovery therapy
DUI and Physical Control rules are firmly enforced in White and King County, Washington. The present lawful restriction for blood stream liquor content (BAC) is actually .08 for adults and .02 for those individuals under 21.
The lawful restriction for cannabis DUIs is actually 5 nanograms with regard to blood stream THC content. Nevertheless, you can easily still be actually charged along with DUI also if you are below these limits if the King County Prosecutor can easily show that you were "influenced" or "impaired" by any sort of quantity of liquor, drugs, or each.
You can easily additionally be actually sentenced of "physical control of motor vehicle while intoxicated," also if you aren't really driving the motor vehicle in White or King County at the moment of your arrest.

DUI Lawyers in White & King County
Driver License Suspension Telephone Hearings Information
(For DUI Cases Only)
Your Department of Licensing DUI driver license suspension case will never be actually heard in King County court. Rather it will be heard entirely in a telephone conference call with the assistance of a Department of Licensing (DOL) Hearing officer designated to your DUI license suspension case.
This DOL telephone hearing will be arranged within 60 days of your DUI arrest date. The specified DOL Hearing officer will phone you and your lawyer on your lawyer's office speaker telephone ... or on your own home or cell phone in case you fail to have a DUI lawyer.